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Keeping the Faith

In a world where spirituality is scoffed at as nothing but smoke and mirrors
13 Nov 2018
Tags: creative-writing   spirituality  

Having grown up in a Christian family, I was baptised into the Catholic faith as a baby and I attended a Baptist Missionary college. Almost everyone around me was a Christian and the few who weren’t still ascribed to a religious belief of some sort. Although most of the prayers and beliefs I held as a child were influenced by my upbringing, I witnessed a few ‘miracles’ in my teenage years which cemented my belief in God, a higher power whose ways are far beyond human understanding and Jesus Christ, who intercedes to God on our behalf.

Then came my venture into university where almost everyone was an atheist or an agnostic and the notion of being faithful to a certain religion was scoffed at as being nothing but smoke and mirrors. I then began to question my own beliefs and looked more into the Big Bang theory. No matter how well I understood the concept of the universe expanding exponentially from a seemingly random explosion billions of years ago, it wasn’t enough to pull me away from my Christian beliefs. In a way, it was more plausible that all the beauty that is on earth and the galaxy beyond was created by design rather than it being a by-product of a random cosmological event. From an intellectual point of view this theory opened my eyes to another explanation of how we came to be here but not why.

Christianity presents the concept of an after-life where each living thing journeys to after death. Meaning that the earth is nothing but a passing place where the culmination of our actions determines our quality of life when the journey comes to an end. This is quite contrary to the atheistic view that life begins and ends here on earth.

Ironically, although I understood less about the mystery that is God and more about the science of the Big Bang, my heart was continuously pulled to seek God. And so, I carried on living my life in keeping with the Christian faith until a great tragedy knocked at my door and what felt like a solid rock turned into quicksand – I was drowning in it.

I began to curse God and despise the mere fact that I was alive. Once more I began to question my faith and wonder why any of us was here. I was pulled from my despair by dedicated friends and family who happened to be religious, and with their help I was guided back onto the path of salvation.

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